Pegasus Mail Merchandise line Pegasus Mail is free software, provided as a service to the Internet community since 1990 (for an explanation of the curious and inscrutable reasons why a major software package should remain free to anyone for more than thirteen years, see here). Unfortunately, though, the best intentions don't pay the bills nor put food on the table, and we need funds to continue. The primary way of supporting Pegasus Mail is to make a donation (click here to go to our donation overview page). If, however, you would prefer to show your support for Pegasus Mail and have something tangible you can show for doing so, then in collaboration with CafePress, we have come up with a way that people can support the program financially and at the same time make a public statement of that support - Pegasus Mail Merchandise. This collection of tee-shirts, mugs, clocks, baseball caps and other items proudly carries the Pegasus Mail logo, and a significant portion of every purchase goes directly into paying for the program's ongoing development costs. What's more, every time you wear your tee-shirt or drink from your coffee mug, people around you will see the logo and the word will spread, so we'll all win. If you are interested in looking at the merchandise options that are available, please visit the Pegasus Mail Merchandise store at -- David Harris -- [ Page modified 28 Apr 2008 | Content © David Harris | Design by Technology Solutions ] |