What's new in Pegasus Mail for DOS, v3.5?
(For an overview of the features and capabilities of the DOS version, click here)
Pegasus Mail v3.5 is the first significant revision to the program in a couple of
years. It has many bug fixes, and the following new features:
- Full support for Native NDS-mode operation on NetWare 4.x and 5.x file servers
(the v3.4 NDS preview would not run on NetWare 5.x).
- Quoted text colouring in the editor and reader - you can now display text
commented with ">" in a different colour, just like the Windows version.
Configure this in your "Editor Settings" preferences.
- Word-wrapping in the message reader has been totally reworked to handle deviant
mail from some of the less-standard Internet mail programs out there.
- Handling of Multi-part MIME messages has been considerably improved: you can
now reply to and forward parts of these messages from the message reader.
- The folder view now marks Multipart MIME messages with an M in the
"Attachments" column, and shows a dot next to messages for which a reply has
been sent.
- Many small bug fixes, and workaround for preference clashes between the DOS and
Windows versions.
Go to the downloads page to download this
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[ Page modified 17 Sep 2001 | Content © David Harris
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