Pegasus Mail and Mercury Developer News October 2024 - Time to make progress on progress Back in my February developer update, I promised to be more communicative this year, but at least publicly, that hasn't worked out as well as I might have hoped. Behind the scenes, though, it has actually been going quite well. 36 weeks ago I started sending my beta testing team fortnightly updates on what I had done during that time - I refer to them as 'Regular Progress Updates': there have been 18 so far, I have been putting them out reliably and on time, and the team tell me they're genuinely helpful. It turns out there is a simple key to making me communicate reliably - and that's having a predictable schedule, one I can put in my phone's calendar so it reminds me when it's time. Now that I've worked out a way of getting myself to stick to the program reliably, I've decided that the same idea would be useful for my public as well, so here's what I'm going to do... Starting from November 1, I will put up a short monthly summary of what I've been doing in the previous month; it will appear on both the main website, where it will replace the oh-so-occasional 'Developer Updates' page, and on the Community site in a new forum called 'Progress updates', linked on the front page. The postings will be brief and will contain short summaries of work done or in progress on both Pegasus Mail and Mercury. I won't deny that thirty-five years of doing it has left me a bit burned out when it comes to being communicative, but it's my belief that this will help my public to see what's happening, and that things are always moving forward, and that it will do so in a way with which I can cope. So this, then, is my last 'Developer Update'... But I really hope you'll agree that what I'm proposing to put in its place will be much more useful, and I look forward to being able to share what I'm doing with you on a more regular basis. All my very best to you all, Cheers! -- David -- [ Page modified 11 October 2024 | Content © David Harris |